Sunday, May 31, 2020

ProExchangers Democratic

Crypto Reviews that are Democratic

Crypto Reviews that are Democratic and Transparent.

Cryptocurrency exchange reviews actually do not exist. It is not known where Cryptocurrency exchanges are,
according to user experience, There are many popular platforms where people can see exchanges according to their volume and trust scores, but there is no experience where end users are registered.
Users have lost crypto on the popular exchange, if they can access the end user and reviewed this loss will be prevented.
But fake problems, volumes that create problems for users who are looking for trusted exchanges to trade.
There is also another problem that Crypto Exchange is relatively new and projects are difficult to stand out in Crowd.
To solve this problem, we have created ProExchangers Crypto Exchange platform, along with this platform we have Proexchangers Review Tokens, Tokens designed to reward users who promote transparency in the Crypto space.

Here Proexchangers proposes a website where people can review Crypto, Exchange it honestly and provide useful feedback for people looking for an Exchange to trade.
- ProExchangers review website, where people can write reviews about exchanges and find honest opinions from users.
- ProExchangers Review Token, to finance Crypto transparency reviews.

The nature of the Crypto currency industry means that retail investors must rely on exchanges, developers and coin ranking sites to make decisions.
This relationship looks like a relationship between retail investors and players in the Crypto industry.

From the diagram above we can see that retail investors do not have a central point where they can share opinions about exchanges and projects with other users. Retail investors do not have a primary way to get information from other users and convey information to other users.

- Fake Volume:
There is a problem of fake volume and how
creating trust issues, hopefully popular coin rating platforms try to solve them by creating metrics.

- Another problem is that the young crypto project does not have enough visibility and ProExchangers aims to resolve this problem by creating classes and pages dedicated only to projects that are less than 18 months old.

General Information.
The ProExchangers website has the usual crypto look and feel. The only difference is that it has a star ranking system.

Detail Token.
Platform: token ERC20
Pasokan MAX: TBD
Alamat kontrak: TBD
Tanggal Peluncuran: TBD

>> /

Link proexchanger:

Bitcointalk Username: Ciprut2605
Bitcointalk Profile link:;u=2809573
Telegram username:@ciprut2605
Eth address: 0x2a9119dcad33442b4a60ddef7090d22ff5669892

Saturday, May 30, 2020



Cryptocurrency has not been used in everyday life. ioox coin WANT TO SOLVE this problem with ioox ring 2.0.
As a result, payment instruments that can be used are increasingly being used, every day and Ioox coins will be the first coins to have their own devices.
Now you can really start using your Cryptocurrency to pay for coffee, beer, sandwiches and daily necessities. WITH IOOX COIN

About Us~
A young team with a clear vision, utilizing Blockchain Technology to use ioox Coin and other cryptocurrency in everyday life. Every day.
We don't believe in the confidentiality of transactions, they create uncertainty and lack of control. We believe in transparency, more secure and verifiable. ioox coins are for every day, to pay for coffee, drinks. ioox coins are for ordinary people, who work, study or enjoy their well-deserved retirement. ioox coins will replace micro transactions with cash or credit cards, that's for every day.

Everyday people actually do transactions less than 10 dollars a day, ioox coins will infringe on these people's hearts. This is destined for the adoption of real mass and the ioox Ring is also not a machine.

We have imagined the future. The future that is closest to us for the payment system. To do this we must forget the present and project our thoughts from time to time. We entered a new world, without paper payment instruments, without old credit cards. Our future jhon will leave the house, enter the coffee shop and pay with our ioox coins by putting the ioox ring on the chest reader.

We are developing tools for everyday life for everyone, and everyone we know well, has a different time and approach to new technology.

In the near future we will pay with the ioox coins and the ioox ring which, in addition to allowing us to pay, will contain our basic information: Blood type, allergies, shelter, how many steps we take per day and how much life expectancy we have based on our lifestyle. Enter our future.

Early Release & Technology ~ ioox Technology integrates crypto-based currencies into the Blockchain ecosystem with the current payment system. You can do daily micro transactions, every day with ioox coins and an ioox-wearable system (rings or bracelets) and set a daily budget through remote settings. Therefore it will be possible to make payments with ioox coins in partner stores or in USD in stores that have not been activated.

Transparency & Trust ~ Through management tools, you can set and remember your ring usage preferences. You can set a daily payment limit and track monthly expenses. We want to build an ecosystem that is transparent, fast, and dynamic. The new payment system, not a clone of the old system.

Benefits ~ Investor profits follow two paths. An increase in the value of a currency is proportional to the amount of use. We want to reach the masses, this is our goal. The second profit path comes from the sale of technology support, rings or bracelets with the IOOX brand.

Payment Flexibility ~ Easy payments and payments with cryptographic tokens, this is our mantra. Payment is immediate and can be transferred to any cryptographic wallet.

Ecosystems ~ A Platform for Bulk Adoption
The original ioox project implementation platform works on the Ethereum network. Reliable and secure Blockchain network. Our choice is guided by the need to exploit the security and reliability of existing networks and implement technology that predicts that in 2020 around 340 million people will use usable payment systems, smart watches, rings, etc. Source of IHS Near Field Communication Report. We will be part of this future and we will become a trusted operator.

Final Consideration ~ The main objective of ioox is to make ioox payment technology used by the masses, creating financial inclusion. Participating in the ioox project means being part of the future. Transactions via wearable devices are 40% faster and in a few years they will completely replace credit or debit card transactions. Today is an important day for us.

Details of our Coin Recipients.
General Sales
Personal Sales
Reserved fund
Team & Founder
Gifts & Events
Advisors & Partners
Coin Name
Tickers / Symbols
Total Supply
10,000,000,000 ioox

ROAD MAP ~ ioox is developing a global data-based platform for the world. Supported by blockchain and smart contracts.

Q3 2019

Jul - Sep 2019

* Planning Started

* Recruit Blockcahin Developer

* ioox Coin Smart contract Deployed on Ethereum Blockchain

Q4 2019

Oct - Dec 2019

* Project website Development

* Ico Application Development Started

Q1 2020

Jan - Mar 2020

* Start Ico and Private sale

* Development Ring payment Tecnology

Q2 2020

Apr - Jun 2020

* Coingecko Listing

* Etherscan Listing

Q3 2020

Jul - Sep 2020

* Release of the beta version of the ioox ring

* Test of payment

* Exchange Listing

Q4 2020

Oct - Dec 2020

* Release WebWallet

* Release App Wallet and App Ring Setting

Q1 2021

Jan - Mar 2021


IOOX COIN Team ~ With the help of our team, contributors and investors, this is a milestone we want to achieve.

Founder ioox system & CEO
Blockchain expert, early adopter of digital assets,
visionary researcher of new futuristic application

Co-Founder ioox system
ex CEO of Purple, an ecommerce company
I believe that new technologies will bring out resources and save the planet

Blockchain Researcher & Developer
I am IBM certified foundation Blockchain developer currently i am working on a project " voting on Blockchain " in which we are building custom blockchain ,i also do some research projects like mechanism of proof of stake and proof of work . Blockchain is totally about decentralization which is the key of security.

Project Development, Blockchain
Designs and develops new technological solutions. Develop Blockchain systems

Electronic Designer
Has been planning programmable devices for years

Quality Assurance & IT Manager
I provide guidance and support in the analysis and development of company’s processes, continuous monitoring of quality objectives (PQR/APR) and constant update of the quality management system

Ioox coin link:
The ioox coin site:

Bitcointalk username: Ciprut2605
Bitcointalk link profile:;u=2809573
Telegram: @ ciprut2605


Friday, May 29, 2020


Merantau tidaklah mudah.

Kisah perantau yang mengadu nasip di tanah rantau, melepas masa bahagia di kampung halaman bersama keluarga dan teman, Tekat merubah keadaan untuk meraih kesuksesan.

seiring dengan tuntutan hidup yang mengharuskan untuk berjuang dalam banyak hal seperti, mencari nafkah untuk meringankan beban orang tua, mencari modal untuk masadepan dan juga karena keadaan yang tak berkecukupan, sehingga memutuskan untuk pergi merantau.

Suka dan duka hanyalah diri sendiri yang merasakan. ketika moment hari besar seperti hari raya tiba, sulit untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga, kerabat dan teman di rumah, karena pekerjaan dan keadaan yang tidak memungkinkan sehingga tidak dapat pulang ke kampung halaman untuk berkumpul bersama.

Hari demi hari di jalani, pagi hingga petang bekerja sehingga tubuh terasa lelah.
Keinginan untuk mencari hiburan dan melepas penat pun hanyalah keinginan, lelah nya tubuh mengharuskan istrahat.

Ketika Orang tua dan kerabat menanyakan kabar apalah daya hanyalah kebohongan yang bisa di sampaikan, hanya untuk membuat mereka tenang dan tidak sedih.

Namun mengingat kata-kata orang tua yang memberikan motivasi untuk membetuk kesabaran dalam hati agar bisa menerima keadaan hidup di tanah rantau, walaupun keadaan tidak seperti apa yang di nginkan.

Orangtua, kerabat dan teman yang jauh di kampung halaman, haya tau bahwa semua baik-baik saja.


Thursday, May 28, 2020


Project 3wm Group

What is a 3WM Project?

3WM is a global industrial project dedicated to protecting the environment and improving living conditions. Our ambition is to revolutionize the way we manage waste and plastics, the way we treat water, the way we move, by creating the world's largest bioenergy plant network and the world's first green intelligence network.

A sublime circle for the environment and people empowered by blockchain.
Thanks to our revolutionary technology and blockchain.

we create a good circle of magicians who decontaminate nature, improve the local economy, create new income and jobs.
New first-level environmental technology.
  • Create the world's 1 st network of waste & plastic plants for bioenergies 55 revolutionary factories powered by a world-unique patented process that produces 97% and without the use of external energy or any kind of pollution or rejection.
  • Now plastic waste & waste has value By turning it into bioenergy, they are now considered a raw material.
  • Reward people for waste Thanks to the 3WM Platform, people can exchange trash and plastic and / or their ecological actions with the 3WM Token.
  • Develop innovative environment-friendly technology in the future Invest or / and improve 200 new waste, water and mobility technologies
  • Creating a global network of 10 Eco Technology Centers These centers will welcome and enhance the choice of the best green technology companies. The first now lives in France.

The 3WM Group is investing in R&D and acquiring new innovative technologies in water, waste and mobility.

3WM Plastics for Bioenergy.
Industrial projets powered by revolutionary technology
We change waste, plastic, dirty water without using external energy, without pollution or any form of rejection.

  • 3WM Waste to Energy Process.
  • 3WM Plastic Process Into Energy.
  • 3WM Clean Water Process.

The world's largest industrial project for the environment during 2025.

  • Destinations in France
  • Aim in the World

3WM Plate Shape.
A unique place that turns traditional industrial projects into a strong circle of virtue that gives people incentives and changes behavior.
It brings together a 3WM wallet, a place to sell or exchange waste, buy or rent 3WM products, make ecological actions.

Waste – Water – Autarky – Mobility.

Now waste & plastic waste have value
By changing them into bioenergies their are now considered as raw material.

Team Member
André Spathelf | CEO
Nabil El Aichaoui | COO - CIO
Gabriel J. PEÑA | International Business Development Manager
Christian Gauthier | Mobility Manager
Elisabeth Spathelf | Public Relations Manager
Martin Müller | Business manager
Hans-Eberhardt Frenzel | Medical Waste Manager
Erich Gröver | Technology Manager
Investors & Founders
Peter Ammann | Co-founder
Gérard Risch | Co-founder
Paul Strub | Investor
Rémy Ozcan | Blockchain Expert
Christophe Ozcan | Blockchain Expert
Frederic Rohmer | Renewable Energy Expert
Arnaud Stoeltzlen | Renewable Energy Expert
Arnaud Courouble | Marine Environment Expert
Klaus Gommel | Circular Economy Expert
Lucirene Rocha de Abreu | South America Business Expert
Hikmet Dagci | EURASIA Business Expert

Username bitcointalk: Ciprut2605
Profil link bitcointalk:;u=2809573
Telegram: @ciprut2605


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Waktu Tidak Bisa Terulang

Sebuah renungan untuk kita semua

Waktu berlalu begitu halus menipu kita yg terlena.
belum sempat berdzikir pagi.
sehingga hari pun sudah menjelang siang.
belum sempat bersedekah pagi.
matahari pun sudah meninggi.

Berencana pukul 09:00 malaksanakan sholat Dhuha.
adzan Dzuhur sudah terdengar berkumandang.

Ingin sekali di setiap pagi hari membaca (satu) juz Al-Qur'an dan menambah hafalan satu hari satu ayat, tetapi entah mengapa keinginan itu berbeda menjadi "ingin itu".

Komitmen tidak akan melewatkan malam kecuali dengan tahajud dan witir, sekalipun hanya 3 raka'at singkat, semua hanya rencana.

Akan terus beginikah nasib hidup ku menghabiskan sisah usia, selalu berhura-hura dengan usia?

Tidak terasa masuklah usia di angka 30th, dan akan nencapai 40th, tak lama terasa menjadi 50, usia semakin tua dan kemudian mulai terdengar sebutan "kakek"  "nenek" pertanda sudah mendekati akhir usia.

Lalu sambil menunggu ajal tiba, sejenak melihat kebelakang apa yg kita pernah berbuat ??

Sedekah dan infaq cuma sekedarnya, mengajarkan ilmu tak pernah ada, silaturrahmi tidak terjaga.

Jika sudah demikian, apakah ruh ini akan diam saja tidak melolong, meraung, menjerit dan menangis. menahan kesakitan disaat harus berpisah dari tubuh pada waktu sakaratul maut tiba??

Kita pun hanya bisa meminta kepada "nya"

Ya Allah Tambahkan usiaku Ya Allah, aku butuh waktu untuk beramal dan berbekal sebelum engkau ambil nyawa ini.

Dan akhir nya hanyalah penyesalan yg kita rasakan .

Belum cukupkah menyia-yiakan waktu selama 30, 40, 50, atau 60 tahun ?
Butuh berapa tahun lagikah untuk mengulang pagi, siang, sore, dan malam.
butuh berapa minggu, bulan, dan tahun lagi agar bisa mempersiapkan diri untuk siap menghadapi ajal !!!

Tanpa kita pernah merasa kehilangan waktu dan kesempatan untuk menghasilkan pahala di setiap detiknya, maka 1000 tahunpun tidak akan pernah cukup bagi orang orang yg terlena dengan kehidupan di duniawi.


Manfaatkan watu sebaik mungkin
Jangan terlena dengan keindahan dunia
Karena kehidupan kedua akan lebih indah

"PZMC Comes to Improve Money Framework"

PZM.CASH is a digital currency made as a methods for installment for a quickly developing biological system. The fundamental vital achievement factor for PZM.CASH is its wagered on the developing scaling and adjusting of cash flexibly and request.

What advancement model does PZM.CASH offer?

Our principle vital objective is the quick development of the biological system. This is a significant condition in light of the fact that:

✓The presence of new tasks available will make extra qualities ​​for the customer by including new items and administrations.

✓An expansion sought after will prompt an adjusting of gracefully, and because of an expansion in turnover, the steadiness of PZM.CASH will reinforce comparable to the outside condition.

The advancement of the framework will be fruitful if a sensible calculation for filling the system with liquidity and the channels for scaling the system is given. Both private undertakings, singular clients, designers and engineers of activities and applications, and open government specialists can become members in the PZM.CASH open environment.

Advantages of partaking in the PZM Money biological system

By partaking in the PZM.CASH biological system, you get a lot of upper hands:

✓Access to a developing dissolvable client base. Consequently, scaling your business and expanding benefits.

✓Mechanization of business forms by presenting an arrangement of shared settlements, an arrangement of keen agreements, following the notoriety of temporary workers, countering distortion.

✓You get the chance to fabricate long haul associations and worth chains.

✓Your business notoriety and status increment as the earth advances.

You gain admittance to financing investment reserves and other enormous speculators.

Likewise, gain admittance to the universal market.

PZM.CASH Achievement Estimates

The interest of the PZM.CASH framework will increment because of the mix of accomplices who will utilize PZM.CASH coins as an installment unit. It is the flexibly and interest for a specific cash that shapes its swapping scale. For the steadiness of the PZM.CASH rate, we give an adequate number of coins in the biological system, as indicated by the calculation for filling the liquidity of the system.

Because of the way that the PZM.CASH Wallet is executed on Web3.js innovation PZM.CASH coins are widespread as they can be utilized on various accomplice tasks and stages for repayments.

The PZM.CASH group has additionally adjusted the PoS agreement calculation impressively. The PZM.CASH arrange exchange commission is set which ensures a reasonable dispersion of remunerations among counterfeiters.

Utilizing these favorable circumstances of the PZM.CASH framework, you can not just benefit effectively and make an easy revenue yet additionally robotize your business forms.

The PZM.CASH Coin Deal began on April 6, 2020.

Useful Resources:

Presentation: https://
Telegram Group:

Bitcointalk Username: Ciprut2605

Bitcointalk Profile link:;u=2809573

Telegram username: @ciprut2605



Tuesday, May 26, 2020

the latest wallet with the hybrix program

Treasured Enticing Pals

Get will come the below powering the best hunting company with the stomach by using a man or woman. Everyone knows that When I look into many moments sending enormous companies. There are numerous organizations these days followed way up just for protection, on the other hand, all people cannot deal with whilst in the abet. There are several the reason how come the particular can afford available for might not move via. To find any preservation developed for in's surgery these days, plenty of people make a buy regarding definitely not realize an invincible not to mention very poor difficulty with an institution.

Open Source Blockchain Platform | hybrix

Start Project With Hybrix Wallet


About present returned nowadays possessing a supplement certainly brilliant in addition advanced traveling apart from a whole lot studying fashioned as well as When i made a decision to give to guide you almost everybody, Every one of us finishes the same job you can acquire used deploying it whilst in the aftermath using exploring pondering this specific conducting. While aside from just by I have had to an unusually very little completely new man with the unique each of the families starting some sort of position, these are typically collecting in place pertaining to younger researching individuals tucked within ornament for the Holland all around the biggest market of that blockchain 'network haya for the purpose of Utrecht, we have been hard within the blockchain image right from the start and tend to be beneficial authorities in touch with they also have the primary rates. most are simply just cooperating to get critical to stay towards having anchored unique from your The internet aside from, through this mode, everyone provides the point within the problem in the issue. Any sort of special exceptional from your occasion has distinct success, possible along with a good cryptocurrency swapping that would boost along with make use of adjusting that will help one's community provider. Along with this type of giving merge, a great compounded delight in, which can vanquish the problems from the universal disproportion using the net. What could be promptly after about? Combat panicking, none pick up frigid over. Issues "Hybrix".

Terrific client satisfaction:

As i mentioned before, any sort of online business comes with essential needs when compared to all of us, the main factor part could be client service networking. That the enterprise can help the country's client keeping that in mind if that's the case that group may perhaps succeed very quickly.

Hybrix Wallet

You may not that is amazing marking Heuer provides his offerings as a result swift that you might snapshot each.



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The problem this approach you moves around out wintry is going to be a firm’s corporation believer in addition to a guide. For the purpose of each solid, the fact that the supplier is equally as very important due to its psychologist apart from very important. The vast majority of there is all the final will depend on you’re able to mail TV. A couple of eras you can become aware of that the majority of reproductions electrical power group gives a lot of institution assignments and even you'll want to are convinced expansion, plus the products, maybe we're able. Just in case your inspection Yahoo superior construct looked on for the electrical power group fanatic, may buy the country's aspects if ever the true insinuation aside nippy is actually fine-tuned afterward you should, needless to say, have to presume the very representatives can be good with all the organization usually is 100% straightforward. You will observe people's affiliates conserve the selected shoot first before the normal.

Progress prepare:

Just in case you explore highly developed, you can actually understand that it is certain to a charge plan usually is unconditionally desirable. They have got chatted across an individual's go through the fore methods to one's own quest. Just in case you get utilizing this reasoning larger than ahead of, you will find that those business options crafted an intensive demonstrating. Any standard narrowing of a provider is usually in the event ones own with your tutorial fulfillment will not be done in the correct way right after the corporation will probably be killed on account of all these the fact that organization primarily tried out making use of if you want to devalue every one. Just in case you find the provider well, notice they have absolutely built an attractive hold viewpoint during which they're going to quite easily conflict as a result of intermittent small businesses. My spouse and i aspiration some may before long afford for starters deferential salutation your eventual location having functioning.



Given that it has customer satisfaction is exceptionally outstanding coupled with state-of-the-art high-quality. Now, these are typically starting a strong world's guidelines. You are aware of that the blockchain system is actually a frequent procedure in the whole world, and that is certainly used by every person enterprise and also a conventional lender.

Multi-chain Transaction | hybrix

First of all, different banks in the entire world probably would not understand this kind of blockchain system still slowly but surely many different expressions of your whole world have fallen to understand utilizing this blockchain product in addition, they can include started off implementing it. check over here

Hybrix Method:

At this time so many people will be seeking to fix something like having said that, these days no company could mend anything appropriately. Though initially, the firms faceless and they are generally transacting a lot quicker, it's usually witnessed one time solutions steadily improve the particular expertise, some people gradually fall his or her product or service Since they earn the best value, models own web-site is an excellent point Is going the perfect option, even now, people end up not being to their enterprise. I think establishments could deal with her / his answers in order that our own have systems, and their own merchandise, are often helping accurately.

Check Out Our Other Info

Username bitcointalk: Ciprut2605

Profil link bitcointalk:;u=2809573


Telegram: @ciprut2605



HOMT LTD World's First Crypto Based Students Rental


This will be the right place for you. This property will be available for rent to students around the world in a few clicks in the most cost-effective way. The property rents out to students the most affordable conditions. Their learning life is comfortable and at no additional cost.

HOMT LTD., Is a property security, development and distribution organization that offers promotions in the central market along with various other utilities at the lowest prices. The organization will generate value using supported properties to use Student Leases and high occupancy rates. Our goal is to build a variety of modern places that are built in central areas in Europe, North America & the United States.

 HOMT LTD., Will be the premier organization offering commodities intended for supporting properties that are not only available in the city center, but also in highly developed border areas and big cities and effective incomes.

This is to develop very limited property in significant urban communities in Europe, North America & the United States with market competition - supporting increased investment today and creating a very productive flow of funds by devoting premium rent seeking.

One platform to help students find their home in a few clicks
Contributing to the cost of living efficiently for students
Many additional utility services work on point-based systems for loyal token holders
Transparency in every transaction
The first ERC20 token in the world in the real estate industry.

We discuss democratizing ownership and access to real estate company property assets using the power of blockchain, cryptography, smart contracts, and tokenization. We help to create an ecosystem where we provide individuals - students, ordinary people or HNI - to invest in HOM Tokens to get property for HOMT Ltd. - The company while waiting also supports, supports audits, auditing standards, living standards, and liquidity.

We help to develop an ecosystem wherever everyone is - whether individual students with cheaper capital, high-value individuals, or venture capital organizations can invest in HOM Tokens to obtain student rental properties by HOMT Ltd.


Brainstorming and Idea Generation February
Early June research
November Initial Capital Rises
HOM Token website March
Hopefully the Fundraising Process
June Development of Student Leasing Portal
July Mobile Application Development from the Student Rental Portal
December Identification & Property Acquisition
Implementation of Business Plan March
June Results Generation


has the right, in its sole discretion, to change, amend, add to, or install portions of this whitepaper and the terms at any time during the sale by posting an amendment to HOMT LTD. website. Each buyer will accept to have accepted the change by purchasing a HOMT. If at any time you do not agree with any part of the current version of the whitepaper and its terms, you may not purchase HOMT.

Official Resources







Bitcointalk Username: Ciprut2605
Bitcointalk Profile link:;u=2809573
Telegram username:@ciprut2605




Seorang sopir turun dari mobil mewah di depan tempat pemakaman umum. 

Ia berjalan menuju pos penjaga kuburan & berkata : 
“Pak, tolong temui nyonya di mobil itu, karena tak lama lagi ia akan meninggal!”

Dengan tergesa gesa penjaga kuburan itu segera berjalan menghampiri sang nyonya. 

Seorang perempuan lemah, berwajah sedih membuka pintu mobilnya, berusaha tersenyum & berkata : 

“Saya....Ibu yg selama ini mengirim uang tiap dua minggu sekali agar Anda dapat membeli seikat bunga & menaruhnya di atas makam anak saya. Saya datang untuk berterima kasih atas kesediaan & kebaikan hati Anda.”

“O..., jadi Nyonya yang selalu mengirim uang itu?
Maaf Nyonya, memang uang yang dikirimkan itu selalu saya belikan bunga,  tetapi saya tidak pernah menaruh bunga itu di pusara anak Nyonya.”

jawab pria itu :

perempuan itu kaget.

"Ya... Nyonya, karena menurut saya, orang yg sudah meninggal tidak akan pernah melihat keindahan bunga tersebut.
Karena itu setiap bunga yang saya beli, saya berikan kepada mereka yang ada di rumah sakit,
Orang miskin yang saya jumpai, atau saya berikan kepada mereka yang sedang bersedih.
Orang2 yang masih hiduplah yang dapat menikmati keindahan & keharuman bunga2 itu, Nyonya,”

Perempuan itu terdiam.

Tiga bulan kemudian, seorang perempuan Tua namun terlihat cantik dan semangat turun dari mobilnya & berjalan ke arah pos penjaga kuburan.

Selamat pagi, apakah masih ingat saya ? 

"Saya Ibu yang tiga bulan lalu datang menemui Anda"
Saya berterima kasih atas nasihat yang Anda berikan saat itu.
Anda benar, bahwa memperhatikan &  membahagiakan mereka yang masih hidup jauh lebih berguna daripada meratapi yang sudah meninggal.

Ketika saya secara langsung mengantarkan bunga2 itu ke Rumah sakit atau panti jompo, org-org yang sedang susah, bunga-bunga itu tidak hanya membuat mereka Bahagia

"saya juga turut Bahagia
katanya sambil tersenyum.

“Sampai saat ini dokter2 tidak tahu mengapa saya bisa sembuh, tetapi saya benar2 yakin bahwa Berbagi kebahagiaan dengan orang lain adalah obat yang memulihkan saya".

"Jangan pernah mengasihani diri sendiri karena akan membuat kita terperangkap di kubangan kesedihan".

Dengan menolong orang lain sesungguhnya kita sedang menolong diri sendiri.

"Hati yang gembira adalah obat yang manjur".
"Menyenangkan orang lain akan membuat kita Bahagia".

"Melihat keatas memperoleh semangat untuk maju"

"Melihat kebawah Bersyukur atas semua yang Ada"

"Melihat kesamping Semangat Kebersamaan"

"Melihat kebelakang  sebagai Pengalaman Berharga"

"Melihat ke dalam untuk Intropeksi diri"

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Awal langkah kaki ku di tanah jakarta

13 april 2018, kaki ku menginjak tanah jakarta,dengan semangat yang bergejolak harapan penuh untuk kemudahan meraih kesuksesan dan membahagiakan orang tua.

Namun semua itu tidak seperti yang aku bayangkan, 3 (bulan)  tapat nya, hari demi hari saya menunggu panggilan pekerjaan di setiap lebar lamaran pekerjaan yang saya ajukan ke perusahan dan mall di jakarta.

harapan demi harapan menerima panggilan dan dapat bekerja .
Namun apalah arti sebuah harapan, di setiap panggilan untuk interview hanyalah untuk pendongkrak semangat semata, semua hasil interview nya pun sama hayalah saran dan saran  yang berbunyi "TUNGGU PANGGILAN SELANJUT NYA YA PAK" kata-kata mutiara itu pun sampai tidak asing lagi di telinga saya. 

Hampir menyerah dan rasa ingin pulang ke kampung halaman pun terlintas di fikiran saya.
Sediri di tanah jakarta dengan bekal ( UANG ) yang mulai menipis hanya cukup untuk beberapa hari, sayapun sampai meminjam "UANG" keteman dan saudara di kampung hanya untuk menyambung hidup di tanah jakarta, Rasa frustasi, malu, dan harapan yang hancur selalu saya rasakan di kamar kost.

Tetapi saya tetap semangat dan optimis karena, rezeki, jodoh, maut sudah ada yang mengatur tidak ada yang tau, entah dari mana datang nya saat saya sedang merenung di kamar kost pukul "14:37" di bulan "JUNI" handphone pun berdering Dengan nomor yang tidak saya kenal dan orang itupun tidak saya kenal, tawaran untuk bekerja di "RESTAURANT" terdengar di telinga saya, dimana saya tidak ada pengalaman di bidang itu tetapi saya beranikan diri untu menerima tawaran tersebut dan berfikir mungkin ini jalan nya.

13 JUNI 2018 Saya interview di "RESTAURANT" tersebut dan hari itu pun saya di terima bekerja.
14 JUNI "08:00" Saya mulai berkerja Allhamdulilah saya bersyukur walupun hanya sebagai "NCUCI PIRING" Saya tatap bersyukur karna dapat pekerjaan. 

Namun masalah keuangan yang membebani saya, untuk sampai  satu bulan bekerja dan menerima gajih pertama di jakarta, sayapun dengan muka tebal tanpa malu memberanikan diri untuk meminjam "UANG" Ke taman dan saudara di kampung halaman, allhamdulia mereka percaya . 

Satu bulan saya bekerja dengan gajih yang cukup untuk melunasi pinjaman dan bekal satu bulan kedepan.
saya tekuni pekerjaan di "RESTAURANT" tersebut.

Tiga bulan posisi saya di "CUCI PIRING" saya pun di pindah posisi menjadi "BARISTA" ( membuat minuma ) tidak lama karna banyak karyawan yang pindah pekerjaan dan pulang kampung sayapun di pindah posisi menjadi "HELPER" peracik bumbu dan potong , disinilah posisi terakhir saya di "RESTAURANT" 

Karna tawaran pekerjaan menjadi "SECURITY" yang menut saya lebih baik dan gajih pun lebih baik dari "RESRAURANT"  Saya pun mengundurkan diri. 

Dan pada 13 JUNY 2019 saya di terima Menjadi "SECURITY" sampai dengan sekarang 26 MEI 2020 saya tetap bekerja, akan saya jalani dan tekuni pekerjaan ini karena pekerjaan inilah saya melangkah dan menginjakan kaki di tanah JAKARTA. 

Allhamdulilah saya bersyukur bisa bertahan di tanah JAKARTA dan MEMBERI REZEKI KE ORANG TUA dan ADIK-ADIK saya. 


Pesan dan kesan:


Thursday, May 21, 2020



COINS PRO is a growing Bitcoin derivative exchange builts for everyone. This platform has been designed in a very simple way that will make it easily accessible to anyone. KOIN PRO will launch a token named utility (KOI) which will be used to reward platform supporters for their active participation in various platforms, contests and campaigns. Token Toki will give its holders countless opportunities where the BUY BACK program will be conducted for KOI.

Since the emergence of market size, traditional exchanges have the natural advantage of flow due to initial developments, and the pain points of contract transactions also follow, such as market manipulation, high transaction costs, position allocation mechanisms, and tedious deposit operations, poor liquidity, pin platforms disconnecting network cables, transaction rollbacks and other problems. According to the understanding in the community, many platforms have a lot of user funds used to divide losses, and transaction costs are too high, and market conditions are manipulated, which results in serious user losses.

With the outbreak of black swan events such as epidemics and war, many physical industries suffered heavy losses. However, with the technical characteristics of the blockchain and the characteristics of digital currencies, 24x7 transaction times attract a lot of traffic attention. Exchange is undoubtedly the blockchain industry channel. The exchange mechanism innovation determines the status of the exchange industry. Today we enter the KoinPro contract platform. The KoinPro contract not only has a multi-national license in terms of legal compliance, but will also introduce more users to the global market. That brings us into contracts, to KoinPro, and also to our own way of wealth.
KoinPro is a contract trading platform that is invested and held by foreign banks. The international financial group is headquartered in Hong Kong and has operations centers in Dubai, Singapore, Seoul, Bangkok, Thailand, Malaysia and other places. It has many industries: digital banking, Digital brokers, ETF funds, businesses covering the world, with ST Vincent's license. The innovative forward contract model subverts the traditional contract model. Users only need to register for a deposit and settlement, and can play BTC / ETH and other contracts. It can also set profit and loss limits. It has the advantages of simple operation and clearer profit and loss calculations. KoinPro's mission is to create a digital asset contract trading platform with strong user experience, asset security, full transparency and openness, and global product demand.

Tiring all our strengths to seize opportunities is what we really need to do.
The offer aggregation engine enables KoinPro to provide traders with excellent liquidity and the best execution prices, making KoinPro the most efficient and stable digital asset market.
It can not only collect orders made by merchants in KoinPro, but also collect orders from reliable external sources (ie, the most famous exchanges such as BitMex, Binance, Okex).
The bid aggregation engine allows price data to be received from various sources and collected into one market depth, and traders can get the best liquidity and execution power at KoinPro, thus avoiding market manipulation and intentional "exchanges".
KoinPro uses various methods to ensure that our traders have the best liquidity and execution power even during the most turbulent times. If external exchanges provide better liquidity than internal traders, KoinPro will seek external execution, so that traders will still trade at the best price; External exchanges will not collect orders if they do not respond within 1 minute; external If the exchange price is 20% different from the average price of other external exchanges, the order will not be invoiced; if the external exchange price is 20% different from the KoinPro index price, the order will not be collected;
Suitable for beginners, automatically taking profit and stop loss, expiration every day will not be sold out. Service fees are the lowest in the entire network, and 41.9% of the third level rebates for agents are the highest in the entire network. Veteran players also provide perpetual contracts without piercing, and use a special offer aggregation engine to introduce the traffic of bitmex, okex, and binance contracts to provide liquidity. There is a beginner simulation disk that can be activated at any time to learn the same configuration as the original disk. 100x leveraged custom, multiple contracts, easy to make money without liquidation.
Why do CoinPro favor so many institutions? Is this based on a good user experience? Or rely on the support of institutions behind him? Are platform products more competitive? Or take an international route?
Contract trading began to enter people's attention a year ago. In 2020, contract trading has become the biggest hot spot this year. As the saying goes, sailing with the wind is getting closer.
The most important thing is that you can bring in customers to make money. This world is full of benefits, and this world is full of benefits. Whatever type of ecology can provide tangible benefits for users, it is a good product that can go further and higher.
Some community leaders have the concept of operations being relatively stable in contracts and can smoothly direct their community members to operate. The KoinPro platform is safer than other platform assets.
Simulated gold accounts, hot and cold wallet isolation, heavy wallet encryption, and the risk of free platform plug-in network cables are more manageable: forward contract mechanism, low risk, unlimited depth, very low handling costs, no allocation mechanism warehouse, profit settlement, etc.

exchange offers two types of Bitcoin contract features, one for amateur traders and the other for advanced traders. They:
  • Double UP
  • Perpetual contract
Future contracts for Bitcoin Double-UP are made especially for new beginners. It was called the "Biginner friendly contract", because it was made for crypto traders who did not have enough experience. Double-UP is a type that can be executed in a simple way and again, has limited risk features. The Double-Up concept helps users to trade contracts at 100x leverage and the system is programmed to automatically settle at 100% each time the position goes up or down in value. In this type of trade contract, the trader does not need to check from time to time if the order has been taken; You can arrange orders, relax and return the next day to check your order.
Upcoming Perpetual Bitcoin trading is a type designed with advanced options in a flexible way. In this type, traders have the opportunity to get out of any position of their choice. They can get out of their trade by losing or making a profit in the type of sustainable trade in the future.
Eternal trading at KOINPRO has something similar to Double-Up in the sense that both are traded at 100x leverage and this will make traders earn big profits even from small market movements. Abadi and Double-Up allow traders to shorten or reduce the crypto market with the aim of taking profits.

KOINPRO security
is a very safe exchange. This exchange is carried out with several user-side security options that cannot be easily violated by all forms of online cyber criminals. Several ways to secure the operation of user accounts from Google Authenticator (2fa) and SMS verification.
  • Demo account
KOINPRO has a free demo account. This allows all KOINPRO users to qualify for a free demo account to practice how to utilize the platform and learn some trading tactics. The KOINPRO demo account has been credited with $ 10,000. All KOINPRO exchange users can play and test strategies to use them that make them optimize risks.
  • KOINPRO Does Not Need KYC
Identity verification is required at most other exchanges but there is nothing like that at KOINPRO exchanges. Users do not need to undergo identification verification before they use the exchange. KOINPRO exchange rates respect user privacy and they will not ask for your personal information.
  • There is no manipulation
KOINPRO exchanges are completely free of market price manipulation but they are united with smart aggregation machines. This type of feature does not accommodate market manipulation. KOINPRO Exchange has put in place all measures to eradicate all types of fraudulent activities on the crypto market.




● 20%: reserved for eligible investors
● 20%: marketing partners
● 10%: prize participants
● 50%: KOL incentives progra● Website:
● Announcement Thread:
● About: / 360002630653-About-KoinPro-FAQ
● Community Telegram:
● Telegram Bounty Channel:

 utility token designed to give credit to the KoinPro community  

KoinPro is a contract trading platform that is invested and held by foreign banks. The international financial group is headquartered in Hong Kong and has operations centers in Dubai, Singapore, Seoul, Bangkok, Thailand, Malaysia and other places. It has many sectors: digital banking, digital brokers, ETF funds, commercial activities throughout the world, with ST Vincent's license. The innovative forward contract model subverts the traditional contract model. Users simply register for a deposit and settlement and can play BTC / ETH and other contracts. It can also set profit and loss limits. It has the advantages of simple operation and clearer profit and loss calculations.

WHY COINPRO? Although there are other platforms that offer Bitcoin trading in the future but most of them cannot offer adequate services, there are those who struggle with security issues and some of these platforms are not flexible to use. KOINPRO appears to solve challenges faced by other platforms that offer future trade. KOINPRO Exchanges are designed and implemented with features that will replace other related platforms. KOINPRO makes security a top priority for protecting user funds on the exchange. KOINPRO comes with different features that differ from the way people trade Bitcoin futures; 

KOINPRO is prepared to offer adequate trading services to users. KOINPRO is designed with features that make flexible exchanges for each user to use.

Smart BitcoinFutures Exchange
Fast, safe, and built for winners. Get smart with KoinPro!
Built for everyone. Whether you take your first trading steps, or have mastered the market, KoinPro can be accessed as it should.
Conquer the market
Introducing KoinPro's exclusive double contract! Automatically exit position after you reach 100% profit!

REGISTER BONUS - No deposit is needed
NO KYC - Maximum privacy
50% CASHBACK - On trade costs
100x - Leverage available
42% COMMISSION - From multilevel referral programs
SUPER FAST - More than 10,000 TPS

Simply register your KoinPro account and follow us and retweet our embedded tweets!
You are just steps away from getting your $ 15 trading bonus!
1. Register your KoinPro account and verify your e-mail address.
2. Follow our twitter   and retweet the embedded message.
3. Join our telegram and send your retweet screenshot to one of our customer support.
4. Fill out the form and follow the steps:
5. Please choose in BTC or USD that you want to receive trading bonuses.
You will receive a $ 15 Sign Up Bonus!
(Profits can be withdrawn after trading volume requirements are met!)
For details on bonuses, please refer to the   No Deposit Bonus Terms and Conditions  .
$ 100 First Deposit Bonus

Make your first deposit and receive a bonus, the benefits of which can be withdrawn!
For first deposit> = 0.05 BTC, Bonus = $ 10
For first deposit> = 0.5 BTC, Bonus = $ 100.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Simulation Trading Contest, Beat the market and win the prize! Beat the market and win prizes!

Simply register for a KoinPro account, and start trading using your demo account to participate in our 1,000 USDT trading competition. The top 100 most profitable participants will win their share of the prize pool.
Details of Competition Details
1. After registering an account in KoinPro, traders will have access to 10,000 USDT and 1 BTC in demo funds.
2. Our leaderboards will track the top 100 traders with demo account trading profits. Anyone who is still on the participant leaderboard when the event ends will win a part of the prize of more than 1,000 USDT.
Rank 1: 250 USDT
Rank 2: 150 USDT
Rank 3–4: 50 USDT
Rank 5-10: 10
USDT Rank 11–100: 5 USDT
Terms and Conditions
1. The event will take place between January 23, 2020 and February 6, 2020. (UTC + 2).
2. Participants must carry out at least 20 orders and be positive to qualify for the prize.
3. KoinPro will contact the winner via email and prizes will be distributed to the winning CoinPro account within 48 hours after the event ends.
4. One account per person. Using multiple accounts will cause disqualification from the promotion.
5. KoinPro has every right to disqualify anyone found abusing promotion.

KoinPro has various futures contracts, each with its own unique features and benefits. As always, we are upfront about possible fees, and even list the difficulty ratings of each contract!Join KoinPro Affiliates
Three-Level Tracking
By tracking up to three degrees of affiliate users, KoinPro allows affiliate members to share more benefits than other platforms.
Their affiliate program works in a flowing way, in which the rewards of trade costs are passed from high-level affiliates to low-level affiliates, to a depth of 3 degrees. The percentage of prizes you get will depend on how far you are from the source of the prize (trading fee).

Take advantage of Your Outside Network!
In short, affiliate members get 30% of the fees generated by whoever they invite, as well as 9% of the fees generated by second-level affiliates, and 2.7% of the fees generated by third-level affiliates.
Overall, the complete affiliate chain shares a total of 41.7% of the costs generated by the fourth level affiliates. This means you can get prizes even if your direct affiliates don't trade, provided they have their own affiliates!
Whether you are a crypto merchant or a crypto follower, you can invite your social networks through the KoinPro Affiliate Program and get unlimited commissions. Share your invitation link through your social media channels and use your followers to get passive income. Anyone who registers via your link will become your referral - watch your income grow as your reference network grows!


KoinPro is a contract trading platform that is invested and held by foreign banks

The technological evolution of the blockchain and ongoing integration of digital currencies, while the Baidu index also shows that the volume of searching for virtual currencies is increasing. While major exchanges operate with traditional currency trading, they also vigorously open up innovation and development of digital assets to meet the needs of investors in terms of digital financial products. Virtual currency contract products are the most popular products that have recently attracted the attention of users. With developments over the past three years, the virtual currency contract platform has also opened one hundred disputes. There is competition for the future and there is hope for the future.
Since the emergence of market size, traditional exchanges have natural advantages of flow due to initial developments and also follow contractual transaction weaknesses, such as market manipulation, high transaction costs, tedious position allocation and deposit transaction mechanisms, poor liquidity, platform pins pulling out network cables, rollback transactions and other problems. According to the understanding in the community, many platforms have a lot of user funds that are used to share losses, transaction costs are too high and market conditions are manipulated, with the consequences of serious losses for users.
With the outbreak of black swan events such as epidemics and war, many physical industries suffered heavy losses. However, with the technical characteristics of the blockchain and the characteristics of digital currencies, 24 × 7 transaction time has attracted a lot of attention on traffic. Exchange is undoubtedly a blockchain industry channel. The exchange mechanism innovation determines the conditions of the exchange sector. Today we enter the KoinPro contract platform. The KoinPro contract will not only have a multinational license in terms of legal compliance, but will also introduce more users to the global market. This brings us to the contract, to KoinPro and also to the path of our wealth.


KoinPro is a contract trading platform that is invested and held by foreign banks. The international financial group is headquartered in Hong Kong and has operations centers in Dubai, Singapore, Seoul, Bangkok, Thailand, Malaysia and other places. It has many sectors: digital banking, digital brokers, ETF funds, commercial activities throughout the world, with ST Vincent's license. The innovative forward contract model subverts the traditional contract model. Users simply register for a deposit and settlement and can play BTC / ETH and other contracts. It can also set profit and loss limits. It has the advantages of simple operation and clearer profit and loss calculations.
Running out of all our strength to seize the opportunities that exist is what we really need to do.
The price aggregation engine allows KoinPro to offer traders excellent liquidity and the best execution prices, making KoinPro the most efficient and stable digital asset market.
It can not only collect orders placed by merchants inside KoinPro, but also can collect orders from reliable external sources (eg, the most famous exchanges such as BitMex, Binance, Okex).
The price aggregation engine allows price data to be received from various sources and collected in a single market depth, and operators can get the best liquidity and execution power at KoinPro, thus avoiding market manipulation and independent agreed "exchange points".
KoinPro uses several methods to ensure that our traders have the best liquidity and execution power even during the most turbulent periods.


If an external exchange provides better liquidity than an internal trader, KoinPro will seek external execution, therefore the trader will continue to operate at the best price, the external exchange will not collect orders if he does not respond within 1 minute; external If the exchange price is 20% different from the average price of other external exchanges, the order will not be invoiced; if the external exchange price is 20% different from the KoinPro index price, the order will not be collected.
Suitable for beginners, automatically taking profit and stop loss, they expire every day without running out. Service fees are the lowest on the entire network and 41.9% of the third-level discounts for agents are the highest on the entire network. Veteran players also provide perpetual contracts without punctures and use a special offer aggregation engine to introduce bitmex, okex, and binance contracts to provide liquidity. There are simulation discs for beginners that can be changed at any time to learn the same configuration as the original discs. Custom double contracts with 100x leverage, easily obtained without liquidation.
Why do CoinPro favor so many institutions? Is this based on a good user experience? Or rely on the support of institutions behind him? Are platform products more competitive? Or take an international route?
Contract trading started to attract people a year ago. In 2020, contract trading is the biggest hot spot this year. As the saying goes, sailing with the wind is getting closer.
The most important thing is that you can bring benefits to customers. This world is full of benefits and this world is full of benefits. Regardless of the type of ecology that can offer tangible benefits to users, it is a good product that can go further.
Some community leaders have the concept of contract operations which are relatively stable and can easily lead their community members to operate. The KoinPro platform is safer than other platform resources.
Simulated gold accounts, hot and cold wallet isolation, heavy wallet encryption and the risk of plug-in network cables without a more controllable platform: advanced contract mechanism, low risk, unlimited depth, ultra low management costs, no inventory allocation mechanism, settlement profit, etc.

-  KOINPRO Security
is a very safe exchange. This exchange is carried out with several user-side security options that cannot be easily violated by all forms of online cyber criminals. Several ways to secure the operation of user accounts from Google Authenticator (2fa) and SMS verification.
  • Demo account
KOINPRO has a free demo account. This allows all KOINPRO users to qualify for a free demo account to practice how to utilize the platform and learn some trading tactics. The KOINPRO demo account has been credited with $ 10,000. All KOINPRO exchange users can play and test strategies to use them that make them optimize risks.
  • KOINPRO Does Not Need KYC
Identity verification is required at most other exchanges but there is nothing like that at KOINPRO exchanges. Users do not need to undergo identification verification before they use the exchange. KOINPRO exchange rates respect user privacy and they will not ask for your personal information.
  • There is no manipulation
KOINPRO exchanges are completely free of market price manipulation but they are united with smart aggregation machines. This type of feature does not accommodate market manipulation. KOINPRO Exchange has put in place all measures to eradicate all types of fraudulent activities on the crypto market.

Built for everyone

Whether you take your first trading steps, or have mastered the market,   KoinPro   can be accessed as  it should  .

Conquer the market

Introducing  the contract   doubled  exclusive KoinPro  ! Automatically exit position after you reach 100% profit! 


no deposit required


maximum privacy


at framing costs

● 100x

leverage available


from a multi-tiered
referral program


more than
10,000 TPS

Leading industry affiliation rewards!

Triple Level Tracking
By tracking up to three degrees of affiliate users,   KoinPro   allows affiliate members to share more benefits than other platforms.
Our affiliate program works in a tiered manner, in which prize trading costs are passed from high-level affiliates to low-level affiliates, to a depth of 3 degrees. The percentage of prizes you get will depend on how far you are from the source of the prize (trading fee).

If you have information about coinpro you can check under the link:

* Website:

* Medium page:   https: // medium .com / Koinprocom

* Official Telegram:   https: / /

* Official Twitter:

* Sharp KoinPro:

Username bitcointalk: Ciprut2605
Profil link bitcointalk:;u=2809573
Telegram: @ciprut2605


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