Friday, June 19, 2020

Penyesalan seorang anak


Satu hari saya pergi ke satu Rumah Panti Jompo. Seorang sahabat meminta bantuan agar saya dapat menyalurkan bantuan kepada orang miskin.
Saya belikan kain sarung, beli roti, dll, saya pun pergi ke Panti Jompo yg saya kenal, tak usah saya sebut namanya.
Saat sampai kendaraan kami di perkarangan Panti Jompo tersebut, tiba-tiba ada seorang ibu tua berlari dari asrama (panti) mebdekati saya.
dengan lantang dia berkata :

" Anak aku datang, anak aku datang, senangnya anak aku datang"

Saya tak mengenal beliau siapa, ibu itu memeluk saya, dia cium saya.
Orang tua itu berkata:

"Nak.. Kenapa tinggalkan ibu disini nak, ibu mau pulang, Ibu rindu rumah kita"

Saya waktu itu.. hampir tak bisa berkata-kata, Ya Allah Saya mencoba mengucapkan kata "Bu"
Saya pegang tanganya, saya lihat mukanya.
dia bilang:

"Sampai hati nak, kau tak mengaku aku ni ibu kau"

Bisa saya bayangkan, bagaimana perasan beliau begitu rindu pada anak nya, saya coba berpura-pura, seolah-olah saya anaknya.
 saya berkata:

"Bu.. Maafkan saya ya"

Saya pegang tangannya, saya ajak duduk di kursi, saya ambil roti, dan saya suapkan ke mulutnya, Tak terasa menetes air mata dipipi.
Mencoba bayangkan, hati seorang ibu yang rindu kepada anaknya, bila kita anaknya, mengambilkan sepotong roti, kita suapkan kemulutnya, bagaimana perasaan beliau? 
Bagaimana perasan kita?

Saya coba usap air matanya yg mengalir dipipi, dia pegang tangan saya, Subhana Allah Saya bisa merasakan bagaimana perasaan beliau yg begitu rindu kepada anaknya,
Saat saya hendak pulang, dia pegang kaki saya.
Beliau berkata:

"Nak.. Jangan tinggalkan ibu nak, ibu mau balik, ibu mau pulang"

Akhirnya saya minta izin dengan pihak pengawas panti di situ. Melihat data beliau ternyata anaknya ada 5 orang. Yang paling besar bergelar Tan Sri, orangnya memang kaya, punya nama besar, dan hebat orangnya.
Waktu saya izin pulang, dia pegang baju saya, dia bilang mau ikut saya pulang.
 saya bilang:
 "di mobil ada banyak barang"

Beliau menjawab:

"tak apa kata ibu itu, saya duduk sama barang-barang, itu"

Akhirnya saya izin ke pengelola panti untuk membawa ibu itu selama 5 hari saja.
Pulang ke rumah saya, Sholat Subuh saya jadi Imam dia makmum di belakang, saya baca doa, saya tengok air mata beliau jatuh. Selesai doa saya salami beliau, saya cium tangannya.
 saya bilang:

"Bu.. Maafkan saya ya"

Waktu itu, saya tak membayangkan kalau ibu saya sudah meninggal, tapi saya bayangkan ibu ini adalah ibu saya, sebab dia rindu pada anak-anakny.
Di hari ketiga di rumah saya, waktu Sholat Isya', selesai doa saya salami beliau, dia lapisi tangannya dengan kain mukena-nya, dia salam.
Saya bilang:

"Bu.. Kenapa ibu lapisi tangan ibu ?, dua hari yg lalu ibu salam, ibu tak lapisi tangan ibu dengan saya. Kenapa hari ini ibu lapisi tangan ?"

Beliau menjawab:

"Ustaz.. Kau bukan anak saya kan"

Subhanaallah.. Tiba-tiba dia sebut nama saya "Ustaz". 
Saya bilang:

"Kenapa ibu panggil saya Ustaz? Saya anak ibu.."

Beliau menjawab:

"Bukan.. Kalau anak saya dia tak akan seperti ini, kalau anak saya dia tak akan jadi imam saya, kalau anak saya dia tak akan suap saya makan"

Bayangkan bagaimana perasaan ibu ini, spontan saya pegang dia, saya peluk dia, saya menangis.
saya bilang:

"Bu.. Walaupun bukan ibu saya tapi saya sayang ibu seperti ibu saya"

Saya pegang tangan ibu ini.. Walaupun bukan ibu saya tapi saya tahu hatinya sangat rindu dekat dengan anaknya, waktu itu saya pandang wajahnya.
 saya bilang:

"Bu.. Walaupun ibu saya telah tiada, tapi ibu boleh ganti menjadi ibu saya, ibu duduklah di sini"

Saat makan, saya suapkan nasi ke mulutnya, dia muntahkan balik makan dari mulutnya.

saya bertanya:

"Kenapa bu ?"

Tiba-tiba saya lihat wajahnya pucat, saya angkat dia, panggil ambulan antar ke rumah sakit.
Waktu di RS, saya ambil kepalanya dan saya rebahkan ibu ini, dia pegang tangan saya.

Beliau berkata:

"Ustaz.. Kalau saya mati, tolong jangan beritahu sorang pun anak saya, kalau saya sudah mati, jangan beritahu mereka di mana makam saya, kalau mereka tau di mana kubur saya, jangan izinkan dia pegang batu nisan saya"

saya pegang beliau saya berkata:

"Bu.. Jangan ngomong seperti itu, bu"

Isteri saya menangis di sebelah, anak saya menangis di sebelah memegang dia. Kami pegang dia
"Bu.. Jangan ngomong seperti itu, bu"
Dia geleng kepala, rupa-rupanya itulah saat penghujung hayatnya, akhirnya dia pun meninggal di atas ribaan saya di rumah sakit itu.
Dia meninggal dalam pelukan saya, saya doakan Ibu Hajjah Khalijah ini ruhnya mudah-mudahan bersama Salafusoleh.

Sahabat, bila kita masih ada ibu tolonglah taat pada ibu kita, jangan durhaka pada ibu kita, jangan tinggalkan dia di Pnati Jompo, saat ibu kita sakit kita jaga dia, pijat-pijat kepala dan kaki ibu kita..

Coba tanya ibu kita masing-masing.
"Bagaimana penderitaan ibu saat mengandung saya dulu ? Bagaimana sakitnya ibu saat melahirkan saya dulu ?"

Tanya ibu kita, Kalau kita tanya sudah tentu air mata ibu kita akan jatuh, karena itu suapkanlah makanan pada ibu kita,
Selepas wafatnya ibu ini, ternyata berita kematiannya sampai juga kepada anaknya yang sulung, anak dia terus telefon saya.
Anaknya bilang pada saya:

"Saya akan bawa anda ke pengadilan, Saya akan tuntut anda telah membawa keluar ibu saya dari dari Panti Jompo"

3 (tiga) tahun dia titipkan ibunya di Panti, dia tak pergi lihat, sebab itu ibunya rindu hingga ibu itu tak bisa membedakan saya dengan anaknya,
Akhirnya saya tunggu, tunggu punya tunggu tidak ada kabar hampir setahun lebih. Saya pergi ceramah di Masjid di daerah pecinaan, selesai saya ceramah datang seorang lelaki memeluk saya.
Menangis dalam masjid, orang dalam masjid herab, ada apa ini.
saya tanya pada dia:

"Pak, ada apa ini? Ada masalah apa..?"

Dia berkata:
(dalam keadaan menangis)
"Ustaz.. Tolong kasi tahu di mana makam ibu saya ustaz? Tolong kasi tahu di mana kubur ibu saya?"

Saya jawab:

"Kenapa hari ini baru tanya kubur ibu kamu?"

Dia bilang:

"Tolonglah ustaz.. Saya mau jumpa ibu saya ustaz, sayalah orang yang bergelar Tan Sri yang mau menuntut ustaz saat itu.. Saya sekarang ini sudah bangkrut ustaz, isteri saya mati kecelakaan, rumah disita bank, mobi mewah saya semua dah disita bank, tinggal satu saja, motor tua itu"

Saya berkata:

"Saya bisa tunjukkan makam ibu kamu, tapi dengan satu syarat, kamu jangan pegang batu nisan ibu kamu"

Sampai di pemakaman, tak sempat saya turun dari mobil, dia turun duluan, saya lihat didepan mata saya sendiri dia jatuh tersungkur tangan nya menjadi hitam, mulutnya tertarik sebelah yang tadi awalnya tangan dan mulutnya baik-baik saja, sambil memanggil-manggil "Ibu.. Ibuuu... Ibuuuu"
Tiba-tiba saya angkat dia tak jauh dari makam ibunya belum sampai ke kubur ibunya, dia dah hembuskan nafas terakhir disamping makam ibunya.

Mengucap panjang saya.. Allah SWT tunjukkan kepada saya, dikehidupan ini balasan anak yang durhaka pada ibu dan ayahnya.

Semoga kisah ini menjadi pelajaran di luar sana, ambillah iktibar dari kisah di atas.

"Dan apabila mata ibumu sudah tertutup maka hilanglah satu keberkatan disisi Allah, yaitu doa seorang ibu"'

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

TOZEX for the CryptoAsset Platform for Publishing, Financing & Trading.

The latest TOZEX partner, the CryptoAsset Platform for Publishing, Financing & Trading. TOZEX aims to facilitate economic tokenization while ensuring compliance with regulations and transparency.

Tozex is a financing platform that combines the "Tokenpad" token publishing module which allows to launch a token-based crowdfunding campaign (ICO, STO and BRO) with an embedded crypto asset market place.

Blockpass's CEO Adam Vaziri, and Tozex's CEO, Remy Ozcan, will conduct a virtual campfire chat to discuss launch, partnership and compliance with Blockpass COO, Hans Lombardo, moderator.
This event marks another step towards a world where the KYC and AML processes are carried out easily and comfortably so that we can maintain safety and security while enjoying the benefits of trade and interaction throughout the world.

Smart contract.
Our platform uses the power of smart contracts as an untrusted third party to manage the issuance of tokens (utilities, payments, or securities) managed by open source libraries.
A decentralized exchange order book that manages bids and asks to remain publicly audited by anyone who avoids market muddiness and manipulation.

One of the main characteristics of blockchain is to bring transparency among stakeholders (regulators, companies, investors, traders).
In addition, our community vote is an important fact to register new crypto assets on our platform after internal due diligence.

The interface.
The user interface is designed to be friendly to enhance user experience without neglected security.
Our token trading & publishing functionality was developed to facilitate our users' interactions with the current crypto asset ecosystem.

TOZ tokens will be distributed to fulfill our vision and strategy for a token-based economy. The development of our project is mainly based on transparency and fair distribution of TOZ TOZ. Validation of our digital assets in the future represented by TOZ TOZ will be a reflection of our business activities, reward mechanisms, and community involvement.

The characteristics of BRO have been designed to reduce large fluctuations in the daily price of TOZ tokens (dilution of distribution from time to time, prize mechanism, stablecoin, etc.) to achieve a smooth and positive price increase. In addition, the risk of volatility will be greatly reduced compared to traditional ICO tokens. Finally, a 50% replacement of your capital in stable coins significantly reduces the risk of capital loss.

The initial value of TOZ to EUR is 1: 1. The exact number of tokens will be sent as disclosed on the BRO dashboard and in accordance with the documentation available on the website. The total supply of TOZ TOZ will be fixed at the end of the BRO campaign.

Road map. 

Q1 2020
Private BRO is limited to 150 investors
Extension of partnership with international Accelerators & Incubators
Pre-beta version of TOZEX:

- Audited ERC20, ICO and Multisig smart contracts
- Activation of KYC / AML checks
- Buy Cryptocurrency with a credit card.
- Investor data requirements are activated

Q2 2020
Public BRO investment launched
Tozex Beta Version:

- Refactored UI / UX interface
- Smart contracts: STO and BRO integrated
- Integration of Software and Hardware Wallet gateways
- Deposit and withdrawal functions
- Decentralized order books are activated

Q3 2020
First quarter BRO interest distributed.
Register toz tokens exclusively on our exchange
The first funded project
Compliance with international standards - ISO / TC307

Q4 2020
The final version of Tozex is published
Second quarter BRO interest is distributed.
OTC table service
USA & JAPAN Financial Services License (FIAT Deposit)

We are at the beginning of a token-based economic era, and Tozex will be the cornerstone of expansion.


Bitcointalk Username: Ciprut2605
Telegram username: @ciprut2605
Eth wallet: 0x2a9119dcad33442b4a60ddef7090d22ff5669892

Thursday, June 11, 2020

"iBlock Game" The Big Game

iBlock Game Based on Blockhain.

Do you already know about "iBlock Game", Alright I will explain what is iBlock Game ??

IBlock Games (IBG) is the current game
focus on becoming the top game in the world using blockchain.

iBlock Game (IBG) utilizes blockchain innovation to provide many exciting, new and multi-coin internet game and theater settings for blockchain lovers and cryptographic money players.

iBlock Game (IBG) has firmly accepted the stage estimation made by the client, so that it will provide a stage benefit for speculators and players to fabricate a growth and increase in the iBlock Game (IBG) group.

The IBlock Game Ecosystem.

iBlock Game (IBG) which is made from the change of a match, player network, multi-chain, and multi-coin. which has been driven by betting and prizes. which can generate profits and income, this game looks the same as other crypto games. like, luck and bitsler games, because players get prizes with flywheels and place bets.

A large list of games can be found in iBlock Games and you play.
List of games:

1. BlackJack.

Blackjack, or called Twenty-One, is a watching game between almost no players and vendors. In the game, each player manages two cards before the match and thus competes with the seller with their last score of no more than 21.

2. Hash Dice.

Hash Dice is a game of possibility built with blockchain hash calculations and calculations, which gives bets and predictions more fun, where the closer the number of players moved to an arbitrary number, the higher the chance of winning.

3. Boom.

Boom is an online multiplayer blockchain speculation game that is created as a wide bend that might get stuck at any time.

4. Crypto Slots.

Crypto Slot is a 5 times 3 video gambling machine with 10 payment channels.
The game combines 3 different wild images to replace each other, and 2 of them have x2 and x3 multipliers.
Wild images land on rolls 2, 3, and 4 in particular, but consistently grow into full rolls and provide their own RE-SPIN. Up to 3 RE-SPINs can be obtained in the process when each of the 3 rolls becomes wilder alternately! Multipliers take turns joining up to 9x multipliers!

5. Roulette.

Standard roulette is very easy. In this game, you have wheels that highlight red and dark openings that have numbers from 1 to 36 and 0 on them. The numbers on the wheels are divided into red and dark, and the numbers are not all the same.

6. Poker.

Poker includes 52 cards in the deck. When you get a win, you get an amazing prize.

7. Wheels.

There are absurd red animals with strange wings and highlights. A strange red flying creature perches on a wheel, and your job is to make it irregular by turning it over.

8. G-Viru.

This will be the first blockchain infection game that is far and wide.
Inspirational Game from COVID19.
Hopefully we can win the war in cyberspace.

The iBlock Game team has rich experience in the gaming and blockchain industries. This game platform will release many original and classic games for players to choose from. At this time, iBlock Games has been liked by many big investors. Don't miss the opportunity to buy iBlock Game tokens (IBG), IBG tokens can not only make bets on gaming platforms, but also benefit from trading on exchanges, such as Exrates and P2PB2B.

iBlock Game Allocation.

Token Details

IBG Token is issued by the iBlock Games platform.
Project : iBlock Games
Symbol : IBG
Token Type : ERC20
Total Issue: 10,000,000,000

Bitcointalk Username: Ciprut2605
Telegram username:@ciprut2605
Eth wallet address: 0x2a9119dcad33442b4a60ddef7090d22ff5669892

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Hello everyone back again with me ciprut2605 will get to know the applications that earn, let's look together.

MiVideos is a lightweight application that earns and entertains.
MiVideos is made with various interesting features such as video upload, photo upload, YouTube upload, GIF upload and share status.

MiVideos is an application based on blockhain and social income that is designed with videos, images, uploads, shares / income industry views.

 MiVideos features:
# upload VIDEOS and PHOTOS
You can upload Videos and Photos of your interesting experiences on MiVideos.
Download Videos, Photos on MiVideos and Share with friends on other social media.
#Write Quote
Write what you think and what events you see.
Latest, Entertainment Videos Shared by our community to make you laugh.
Use the pleasure of sharing apps and earn money, it's easy to start making money with apps.

Earnings per month with the MiVideos application.
 we do not limit your income in any way, your income will be determined by your daily efforts and time spent with our application.
 On MiVidros you can withdraw income whenever you reach our minimum withdrawal amount, but you may need to get more mdvp if you will make payments via methods other than MDV tokens. MDV tokens will be traded on the live trading market and real-time trading prices must be available through CMC and coingecko and you can see MDV tokens.
Every payment We process withdrawals on the terms of 15 net, your income for the previous month will be paid on the 15th of the following month. Our payment systems are Paypal, perfect money, bitcoin, gift cards, ethereum and MDV.

Withdrawal fees in each of our wallets:

Gift Card - 20%
Paypal - 20%.
Bitcoin - 10%.
Ethereum - 10%.
Perfect money - 20%.
Mivideos token - 2%.

Minimum payment per method:

Gift card - $ 150
Paypal - $ 150
Bitcoin - $ 100
Ethereum - $ 100
Perfect money - $ 150
Mivideos token - $ 5

For Payments on MiVideos, don't doubt it because
Mivideos is a blockchain with a trading utility token named MiVideo, with the MDV trading code, which already has a total supply of 50 million tokens with a dynamic price value, ie 50M MDV which will total $ 1 billion, over time our users and special viewers.

Link MiVideos:
Bitcointalk Username: Ciprut2605
Telegram username:@ciprut2605

Eth address: 0x2a9119dcad33442b4a60ddef7090d22ff5669892

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Unifinity and Dash.

Announcement of partnership, all here I will discuss about Unifinity and Dash.

Unifinity and Dash.
is a dynamic interface, which connects all innovation partners and the Blockchain process by providing all the necessary infrastructure and integrated set of tools. This will empower universities to manage the Blockchain application features at a fraction of the current costs and this time will create a revolutionary transformation for the education system.

Dash Next is partnering with the global EduTech Unifinity platform. Unifinity allows universities and schools around the world to immediately optimize the use of Blockchain technology and smart contracts for various needs in the application. Through Unifinity and Dash you will be able to pay for various education provider courses throughout the world and in the future with Dash.
We are very pleased with this partnership, because this is our first partnership operating outside our priority markets, such as the Philippines & many more who will follow.
Stay here and get more info.

Unifinity will change the role of users such as parents, students and management to get full and comfortable access to all relevant data.
A dynamic interface, which connects all innovation partners and the Blockchain process by providing all the necessary infrastructure and a set of integrated tools and this will empower universities to be able to manage Blockchain features and applications at a fraction of the current costs and time.

Most countries in Asia cannot make full use of every technological advance to manage their administrative activities. The transition from school education systems to automation tools made possible by high technology will take a long time, because most data management platforms are expensive and complicated. It is unfortunate that most universities process registration manually. At present it is also difficult for universities to conduct real-time tracking on many students who can attend classes and receive timely payments for fees and applications, let alone long queues each semester.

UNIFINITY concept:
to create the First Decentralized Application that will support all universities by providing accessibility and technology using Blockchain Technology.

to create the first decentralized application that allows universities and schools of all sizes to quickly implement the use of Blockchain technology and smart contracts for various application needs. We believe that Blockchain technology can be used as a powerful tool to improve education and learning management systems today.

visit the link below for Unifinity and Dash information.

Bitcointalk Username: Ciprut2605
Bitcointalk Profile link:;u=2809573
Telegram username:@ciprut2605

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Find out more about BRAND TOKEN explanations.

Find out more about BRAND TOKEN explanations.

I ciprut2605 will explain a little about brand tokens, let's look together.

What is brand token?

Brand Tokens are a loyalty and reward exchange platform that is driven by a blockchain, created and recorded on the Blockchain.
Brand tokens can be used as loyalty points which means issued by the brand and distributed to clients as gifts for desired behavior such as shopping, social involvement or referring new clients.
a new way of building loyalty between brands and users. Tokens can issue, manage and use blockchain based.
Loyalty tokens to reward and provide new, better, flawless and can provide experience for customers.

Is this better than the usual program?

Incumbent loyalty solutions are based on points, which cannot be transferred or exchanged. Points often expire or expand into uselessness and give users the feeling of being cheated or used.
Because of this the client loses interest in his own points and brand-based loyalty solutions.

Further research shows that giving customers more autonomy and options in terms of loyalty structure, flexibility when to redeem relevant infrastructure. With the help of blockchain technology, the needed solutions can be provided.
Brand Tokens are tools that allow organizations and companies to issue and manage their own brand tokens.

● Many Brands in one place – get the most out of what you get!

● Instant and transferable prizes – tokens at realtime prices

● Many good and special transactions for everyone

● Friends on the board – share caring – buy together even cheaper

● A token wallet that is managed with friends and family

● Better User Experience – more fun

● Play & Win and Play & Get programs for tokenized members

● Additional promotions are not accessible for users who are not spoken

Unlike other existing loyalty programs, we offer a high level of flexibility, redemption of automation, and monetary value of rewards, solutions that are driven by blockchain.

How can I get all the tokens that are more utilized?
The most effective method to use it to collect more tokens, you can check how your chosen brand delivers tokens to their clients in their subpages. Exchange is another approach to getting more from tokens, but exchanging is related to chance. You can take or lose your cash, so you shouldn’t trade if you don’t know what you have.

For more accurate information, visit the link below:








Bitcointalk Username: Ciprut2605
Bitcointalk Profile link:;u=2809573
Telegram username: @ ciprut2605

Eth wallet.

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